Repair & Calibration Software for Medical Sector
The medical and healthcare sector faces huge pressures on many fronts – financial, ever-increasing demand, the need for more resources, the changing nature of the way we lead our lives, to name just a few. In an industry where accuracy cannot be compromised, and where lives depend on accuracy in diagnosis and courses of treatment, it is vital that the equipment supporting the industry is accurate,
well-maintained and completely reliable.
The medical market is supported by thousands of pieces of technically intricate equipment, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated. The need for accuracy and precision is paramount, and with medical technology evolving at great speed and as our dependency on medical technology increases, the importance of keeping on top of quality control, equipment repair and maintenance is crucial.
Workshop Beaver’s management of all aspects of the repair, calibration and maintenance processes give our customers in the medical and healthcare sector confidence that all the pieces of equipment that they provide, repair or calibrate are accurate and prepared to specification. The regular testing and calibration of equipment ensures accuracy, effectiveness and long life of equipment, which ultimately enables companies to achieve the highest degree of quality control. All equipment worked on is monitored in Workshop Beaver from start to finish of the process, through all the required stages, with full supporting audit trail and documentation, such as the documenting of test results and production of calibration reports.
The degree of detail of information held on Workshop Beaver for parts, processes, secure stock locations and documentation management, helps to ensure that the many international standards required when working on medical equipment are fully documented and complied with.
Another aspect of the changing nature of the healthcare market means that large and complex medical equipment, such as dialysis and respiratory machines, are often found outside hospital environments, placing greater demand on the need for engineers to be working on equipment in the field. Workshop Beaver’s web access from smartphone or tablet enables immediate support for engineers in the field, and gives our customers the flexibility required to manage remote field assignments.
The importance of maintenance and repair of medical equipment is highlighted in the World Health Organisation’s stringent guide on best practice, many ISO standards as well as each original equipment manufacturer (OEM) having its own strict guidelines. Wherever it is located, medical equipment needs to be reliable and accurate and to work to specification, and Workshop Beaver helps our customers ensure that they achieve those levels of quality and performance.