About Business Analysis
Based in Hampshire, we have been in operation for nearly 40 years, specialising in repair, calibration and asset management software and systems. Our background is in engineering and, as a company, we are passionate about detail and care about precision, and quality, which is reflected in our Workshop Beaver software, which leads the market in the field of repair, calibration and asset management.
Workshop Beaver gives our customers the ability to record forensic details of who did what, where and when throughout the repair and calibration processes.
Anybody involved in the art of calibration will know the absolute requirement for precision, for attention to detail, for every part in every process to be traceable and accountable, and for full visibility of all information. These are the fundamental foundations on which our Workshop Beaver solution is based.
With approaching 40 years continuous development and the accumulated experience of providing and supporting Workshop Beaver, we are confident that we have a superior solution for any repair and calibration management requirements for companies of any size from any business sector.
Our customers and their needs have varied greatly over the years, but be they Microtek, Aeroflex, DECA (Defence Electronics and Components Agency), Siemens or Kyocera and whether they are repairing and re-calibrating in pressure, current, or weight, or simply using traceability for their warehouse stock control, the flexibility and customisable nature of Workshop Beaver manages the differing requirements with no difficulty.
Full visibility of performance is available at any time with the Workshop Beaver management information dashboard, reporting and web enquiry giving real time access to Workshop Beaver for our customers, with the benefits that swiftly delivered information can bring . We use the management information dashboard facility a lot to provide our proactive monitoring service to our customers, and are often able to warn them of potential ‘red flag’ situations before they arise.
Our customers’ customers also benefit from Workshop Beaver’s ease of access for web based enquiries, so that they can see exactly what is happening to their piece of equipment in for repair at any time. More on our customers and the sectors that we work in can be found on this web site.
So it is fair to say that we eat, sleep, breathe and really believe in what we do at Business Analysis. After nearly 40 years we are still as passionate about detail as ever, and we take great pride in and are passionate about Workshop Beaver – a solution that we believe to be the superior Repair, Calibration and Asset Management software solution.