Documentation Management Software
The management and storage of documentation associated with repair and calibration jobs is a potentially large subject in its own right which Workshop Beaver manages without fuss.
All documentation received associated with customers, orders, parts, or jobs, is logged and held on the system. Documents can be scanned for viewing purposes, obviating the need for paperwork to accompany jobs throughout their workshop journey.
In addition to the handling of all incoming documentation, Workshop Beaver also contains comprehensive document design and production capabilities throughout its modules. Any type of supplier or customer facing or product related document, be it email, letter or fax can be produced to the users own design and layout. Internal documents can also be produced and distributed as required.
The functionality supported by the Document Management module includes:
- Logging of all documentation recorded against jobs or received from customers and suppliers.
- All documentation can be scanned and held on the system and available for enquiry, reducing the need for physical paper flows.
- Production and storage of email, letter, fax as required for supplier and customer communications, and any required internal documentation.
- All documentation available for viewing and printing via web browser.
- Automatic indexing of all documentation.
- Online access for customers to customer related job documentation.
- Fully customisable document layout and design capability across all Workshop Beaver modules.