Customer Support

Customer Support

Telephone support is available between 09:00 and 17:00 hours, Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays on +44 (0)1794 325120.

Business Analysis recognised very early that Workshop Beaver implementations are often mission critical for our customers. The failure of which, for whatever reason, would create severe problems for our customers and their customers in turn.

A program was established to provide the appropriate levels of support, which, apart from the normal telephone support, is based around online access via the Internet.

This allows problems to be investigated and solved very quickly without the necessity for a site visit. Moreover, each customer is polled on a daily basis to distribute upgrades, fixes and documentation. The same mechanism allows the customer to send electronic mail to report problems, suggest enhancements, and communicate any other system related topics.

Workshop Beaver is in an ongoing development program as we continuously strive to improve our software and the services that we provide to our customers.

For any support issues call us on +44 (0)1794 325120 or email us at